From small to big, neutral to colorful, compact to spacious, vintage to modern; bathrooms come in all forms. With the right color and lighting, every bathroom can look grand. So to help you with small bathrooms, here are a few ideas to make it look more stylish and practical:
- Eliminating Tubs- Tubs consume more space in the bathroom and cleaning and maintaining it becomes a task. You can substitute it with standing showers and hand showers, for children. Also people don?t prefer shower curtains anymore as they stick to you while you shower and are a difficult to clean.
- Shower screens- To avoid the hassle of using a shower curtain, one of the best solution available now is getting shower screens fixed. You can pick from sliding, hinged, framed or frame-less ones. They are more appealing to the eye when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness.
- Glass Shelves- When it comes to storage in small bathrooms, people tend to believe that as an issue. But installing glass shelves makes the bathroom space look bigger and gives an uncluttered image.
- Mirrors- Whether it is mirrored tiles or mirror hanging on the wall, the reflection of light on the mirrors creates an impression of space and will definitely brighten your bathroom. Use of vanity mirrors also help us with storage as well as the look.
- Accent Wall- Adding an accent wall is one of the best strategies and personal favorite as it adds color to the bathroom. Usually in a small bathroom, you can place the accent wall to the back wall as it would add that ?Wow? color factor to the bathroom.

We, at
Seaton Glass have varied ideas to help you redecorate your bathrooms with the best craftsmanship and sophisticated machinery at your disposal.